
Adults at all stages of their life's journey are invited to connect with one another to strengthen relationships with each other, apply faith to their daily life, and serve Christ together in the local and global community.  Whatever your age, gender, or marital status, you will find great activities, classes and events aimed at supporting your desire to grow in your faith and connect with others at St. John.


Women across generations will find encouragement, connections and a caring community

Bible Studies

First Tuesday of the month, 7pm.  Uses the "Gather" magazine from the ELCA Women's organization.

7pm contact:  Sandy Livingston

Various Times (weekly).  

Bible Study Fellowship is a community-wide study opportunity at other churches in the Cedar Valley. 

Contact:  Rose Lorenz

Book Studies

Tuesdays, 10am (weekly).  This long-running group reads and discusses various books, continuously exploring their spiritual walk.

Contact:  Arleen Burkhardt

Thursdays, 3:30pm (weekly).  This group of men & women reads and discusses various books, continuously exploring their spiritual walk.

Contact: Don & Sandy Kohagen

Do-Day Quilters

Second Monday of the month, 8am - done

All skill levels welcome to help quilt, cut, iron and stitch.  Quilts are donated to Lutheran World Relief and other organizations.

Contact: Arleen Burkhardt

Cancer Support Group

Date varies, meets at NewAldaya Lifescapes Main Street.

You are not alone - you have come to the right place for support, information and understanding.  Join with others in this group which connects people from throughout the Cedar Valley community with educational materials, special guest speakers and opportunities to share stories, hopes and fears about our cancer experiences.

Contact:  Carol Menefee


It['s about bringing men together, learning from each other, and having a good time while strengthening community!

Bible Studies

Thirsty Thursday Men's Bible Study

Thursdays, 7:30am

A very fluid group, the members at the table change from week to week but the fellowship and spirit is a constant.

Contact:  Steve Ferguson

Thursdays, 3:30pm (weekly).  This group of men & women reads and discusses various books, continuously exploring their spiritual walk.

Contact: Don & Sandy Kohagen

Men & Women

Thursdays, 3:30pm (weekly).  

This group of men & women reads and discusses various books, continuously exploring their spiritual walk.

Contact: Don & Sandy Kohagen

Young at Heart (55+ group)

This group brings together fun-loving folks who are 50, 60, 70 (or thereabouts) young! for periodic gatherings.  Previous events have included an Amish dinner, popcorn and a movie, game/hobby day, Thanksgiving or Christmas meals, day trips, and a boat cruise.

Contact:  Barb Feuerhak

Contact:  Joan Baumgartner

Contact:  Sue Holm